Mieko Kawakami Biography

Mieko Kawakami is the acclaimed author of the international bestseller Breasts and Eggs. Born in Osaka, Japan, Kawakami made her literary debut as a poet and published her first novella, My Ego, My Teeth, and the World, in 2007.
Kawakami’s literary awards include the Akutagawa Prize, the Tanizaki Prize, and the Murasaki Shikibu Prize. Heaven, translated by Sam Bett and David Boyd, is on the shortlist for the 2022 International Booker Prize.
Her books, translated into over 30 languages, are known for their poetic qualities, insights into the female body, and preoccupation with ethics and modern society. Her most recent novel that has been translated into English is All the Lovers in the Night. She lives in Tokyo.
"March Yarn"
March Was Made of Yarn: Writers respond to Japan's Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Meltdown,
Vintage, 2012.
Translated by Michael Emmerich. -
"Dreams of Love, etc."
Monkey Business: New Writing from Japan 3 (2013).
Translated by Hitomi Yoshio.
This work is also included in The Penguin Book of Japanese Short Stories. (2018)
Introduction by Haruki Murakami, Translated by Jay Rubin. -
"Where Have All the Sundays Gone?"
Special Issue: On Memory: New Japanese Writing, Words without Borders, 2015.3.
Web. (http://wordswithoutborders.org/article/where-have-all-the-sundays-gone)
Translated by Hitomi Yoshio. -
"The Thirteenth Month"
Monkey Business: New Writing from Japan 5 (2015).
Translated by Hitomi Yoshio. -
"About Her and the Memories that Belong to Her" – longer short story
Granta, Issue 132: Possession, 2015.1.
Web. (https://granta.com/memories-belong/)
Translated by Hitomi Yoshio. -
"Strawberry Fields Forever and Ever" – short story
Pleiades: Literature in Context, 2016.1.
Translated by Hitomi Yoshio. -
"The Flower Garden" – short story
Freeman's: The Future of New Writing, 2017.10.
Translated by Hitomi Yoshio. -
Ms Ice Sandwich – novella
Pushkin Press, 2017.
Translated by Louise Heal Kawai. -
"How Much Heart" – short story
Granta, 2018.8.
Web. (https://granta.com/how-much-heart/)
Translated by David Boyd. -
Breasts and Eggs – novel
Europa Editions, 2020.
Translated by Sam Bett and David Boyd. -
Breasts and Eggs – novel
Picador, 2020.
Translated by Sam Bett and David Boyd. -
"Golden Slumbers" – short story
New York Times, 2020. 5.19.
Web. (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/19/opinion/mieko-kawakami-coronavirus-story.html)
Translated by Sam Bett and David Boyd. -
"Shame" – short story
Granta, 2020.11.9.
Web. (https://granta.com/shame-mieko-kawakami/ )
Translated by Louise Heal Kawai and Hitomi Yoshio. -
"Marie's Proof of Love" – short story
World Literature Today, Winter, 2021.
Web. (https://www.worldliteraturetoday.org/2021/winter/maries-proof-love-mieko-kawakami)
Translated by Hitomi Yoshio. -
Heaven – novel
Europa Editions, 2021.
Translated by Sam Bett and David Boyd. -
Heaven – novel
Picador, 2021.
Translated by Sam Bett and David Boyd. -
All the Lovers in the Night – novel
Europa Editions, 2022.
Translated by Sam Bett and David Boyd. -
All the Lovers in the Night – novel
Picador, 2022.
Translated by Sam Bett and David Boyd.
"A Once-Perfect Day for Bananafish"
Monkey Business: New Writing from Japan 2 (2012).
Reprinted in Electric Literature's Recommended Reading vol.12, no.4, April 2013.
(http://recommendedreading.tumblr.com/post/48193002575/monkey-business- recommends-a-once-perfect-day-for)
Translated by Hitomi Yoshio. -
"The Little Girl Blows Up Her Pee Anxiety, My Heart Races"
Monkey Business: New Writing from Japan 4 (2014).
Translated by Hitomi Yoshio. -
"The Elephant's Eye is Burning, Burning" – prose poem
Denver Quarterly Vol.49 No.4, University of Denver, October 2015.
Translated by Hitomi Yoshio. -
"My Baby"
Monkey Business: New Writing From Japan 6 (2016).
Translated by Hitomi Yoshio. -
"War Bride"
Monkey Business: New Writing From Japan 7 (2017).
Translated by Hitomi Yoshio.
"Acts of Recognition: On the Women Characters of Haruki Murakami"
Literary Hub, October 3, 2019.
Translated by Sam Bett and David Boyd. -
"The Flowers Look More Beautiful Now Than Ever"
Granta , 2020.6.
Web. (https://granta.com/the-flowers-look-more-beautiful-now-than-ever/)
Translated by Hitomi Yoshio.
Breasts and Eggs – novel
Blackstone Publishing, 2020.
Read by Emily Woo Zeller and Jeena Yi. -
Breasts and Eggs – novel
Howes Ltd., 2020.
Read by Emily Woo Zeller and Jeena Yi.
Translations in Progress
"Ice Cream Fever" – short story
Breasts and Eggs – novel
Translation in progress.
Heaven – novel
Translation in progress.
All the Lovers in the Night – novel
Translation in progress.
Heaven – novel
Translation in progress.
Breasts and Eggs – novel
Translation in progress.
Chinese (complex)
乳與卵 (Breasts and Eggs) – novella + short story
木馬文化, 2009.12.
Translated by 劉子倩. -
貓頭鷹在黃昏飛翔 (The Owl Spreads Its Wings with the Falling of the Dusk) – long interview
時報文化出版, 2019.1.
Translated by 劉子倩. -
夏的故事 (Breasts and Eggs) – novel (an expanded version of the original novella)
時報文化出版, 2021,11.
Translated by 陳嫻若. -
Heaven – novel
Translation in progress with蘇文淑.
Chinese (simplified)
乳与卵 (Breasts and Eggs) – novella + short story
上海訳文出版社, 2009.8.
Translated by 杨伟. -
猫头鹰在黄昏起飞 (The Owl Spreads Its Wings with the Falling of the Dusk) – long interview
上海译文出版社, 2019.6.
Translated by 林少华. -
Breasts and Eggs – novel (an expanded version of the original novella)
Translation in progress with Gao Yijun.
Heaven – novel
Translation in progress.
Heaven – novel
Translation in progress.
All the Lovers in the Night – novel
Translation in progress.
Prsa a vajíčka(Breasts and Eggs) – novel
Euromedia, 2021.7.
Translated by Klara Macuchova. -
Heaven – novel
Translation in progress with Klara Macuchova.
Borsten en eitjes(Breasts and Eggs) – novel
Uitgeverij Podium, 2022.4.
Translated by Maarten Liebregts. -
Heaven – novel
Uitgeverij Podium.
Translation in progress with Maarten Liebregts.
Breasts and Eggs – novel
Translation in progress with Maret Nukke.
Seins et oeufs (Breasts and Eggs) – novella + short story
Actes Sud, 2012.
Translated by Patrick Honnoré. -
De toutes les nuits les amants (All the Lovers in the Night) – novel
Actes Sud, 2014.
Translated by Patrick Honnoré. -
Heaven – novel
Actes Sud, 2016.
Translated by Patrick Honnoré. -
J'adore (Longing) – novel
Actes Sud, 2020.
Translated by Patrick Honnoré. -
"La Honte" ("Shame") – short story
TEMPURA, 2020.Autumn
Translated by Patrick Honnoré.
Brüste und Eier (Breasts and Eggs) – novel
Dumont, 2020.
Translated by Katja Busson. -
Heaven – novel
Dumont, 2021.9.
Translated by Katja Busson. -
All the Lovers in the Night – novel
Translation in progress.
"Die Rückeroberung des Gesichts"("Reclaiming the Face")
Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, 2020.10.13.
Web. (https://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/debatten/mieko-kawakami-ueber-schoenheitschirurgie-in-japan-16993741.html)
Heaven – novel
Translation in progress.
Susu dan telur(Breasts and Eggs) – novel
Taman Moooi Pustaka, 2021.9.
Translated by Asri Pratiwi Wulandari. -
Heaven – novel
Translation in progress.
All the Lovers in the Night – novel
Translation in progress.
"Domenica dove?" ("Where Have All the Sundays Gone?" from Dreams of Love, Etc.) – short story
Internazionale, 23 dicembre 2015/7 gennaio 2016 Numero 1134.
Translated by Gianluca Coci. -
Seni e Uova(Breasts and Eggs) – novel
edizioni e/o, 2020.
Translated by Gianluca Coci. -
Heaven – novel
edizioni e/o, 2021.8.
Translated by Gianluca Coci. -
All the Lovers in the Night – novel
edizioni e/o, 2023.1.
Translated by Gianluca Coci.
젖과 알 (Breasts and Eggs) – novella + short story
文学手帳, 2008.
Translated by 권남희. -
헤븐 (Heaven) – novel
비채, 2011.
Translated by 김춘미. -
수리부엉이는 황혼에 날아오른다 (The Owl Spreads Its Wings with the Falling of the Dusk) – long interview
Translated by 홍 은주. -
여름의 문(Breasts and Eggs) – novel (an expanded version of the original novella)
Chaeksesang, 2022.5.
Translated by 홍은주. -
Heaven – novel
Translation in progress.
Breasts and Eggs – novel
Baltos Lankos, 2022.12.
Translated by Gabija Enciūtė.
Pupper og egg(Breasts and Eggs) – novella + short story
Bokvennen, 2013.
Translated by Magne Tørring. -
Skam (Shame) – short story
Samtiden, 2017.
Translated by Magne Tørring. -
Heaven – novel
Solum Bokvennen, 2021.2.
Translated by Magne Tørring. -
Natsus somre(Breasts and Eggs) – novel (an expanded version of the original novella)
Solum Bokvennen, 2022.9.
Translated by Magne Tørring.
Breasts and Eggs – novel (an expanded version of the original novella)
Translation in progress.
Heaven – novel
Translation in progress.
"Sobre ela e as memórias que lhe pertence" ("About Her and the Memories that Belong to Her") – longer short story
Granta Portugal, Issue 9: Comer e Beber (Eat and Drink)
Portuguese (Brazil)
Breasts and Eggs – novel (an expanded version of the original novella)
Translation in progress with Eunice Suenaga.
Nopţi şi zile în Tokyo(Breasts and Eggs) – novel
Litera International, 2021.6.
Translated by DanaLigia Ilin. -
Heaven – novel
Litera International, 2022.4.
Translated by Iolanda Prodan.
Breasts and Eggs – novel (an expanded version of the original novella)
Translation in progress.
Grudi I Jaja(Breasts and Eggs) – novel
Kontrast Publishing, 2021.
Translated by Nikola Matić.
Vsa Moja Poletja(Breasts and Eggs) – novel
Beletrina, 2022.3.
Translated by Domen Kavčič.
Letný príbeh(Breasts and Eggs) – novel
Ikar Bratislava, 2021.8.
Translated by František Paulovič. -
Heaven – novel
Translation in progress.
Senos y huevos(Breasts and Eggs) – novella + short story
Sd Edicions, 2013.
Translated by Fernando Cordobés González and Yoko Ogihara. -
Pechos y huevos(Breasts and Eggs) – novel (an expanded version of the original novella)
Editorial Planeta, 2021,9.
Translated by Lourdes Porta. -
Heaven – novel
Translation in progress.
Bröst och ägg. En Sommarberättelse(Breasts and Eggs) – novel
Tranan, 2022.11.
Translated by Yukiko Duke. -
Heaven – novel
Translation in progress.
All the Lovers in the Night – novel
Translation in progress.
Breasts and Eggs – novel (an expanded version of the original novella)
Translation in progress.
Heaven – novel
Translation in progress.
Breasts and Eggs – novel
Dogan, 2022. 10.
Translated by Ali Volkan Erdemir. -
Heaven – novel
Translation in progress.
Ngực và Trứng (Breasts and Eggs) – novella
Phương Đông, 2011.
Translated by Song Tâm Quyên.
For inquiries or information, please contact:
Amanda Urban amanda.urban@caa.comAmelia Atlas(for inquiries) amelia.atlas@caa.com
Claire Nozieres (for rights) Claire.Nozieres@caa.com

65 East 55th Street, New York, NY 10022